Oil and Gas E&P

Oil and Gas Exploration & Production

GPEC Group plays a pivotal role in the UK offshore upstream Oil & Gas Exploration and Production sector, leveraging our experience and knowledge in both subsea, topside & terminal applications. We provide world-class products, such as Subsea Isolation Valves (SSIVs), Choke Valves, API 6A & API 6D critical isolation and shut down valves, all tailored to meet the most severe and critical service conditions, sourced from our leading principal partners.

Our ‘advise & consult’ approach involves listening to the engineers demands during pre-FEED and FEED stages before utilising the expertise of our partners' Subject Matter Experts to deliver optimal technical solutions to the industry challenges. By offering comprehensive support and cutting-edge solutions from our partners, we contribute to the efficiency, reliability, and safety of oil and gas production operations in the most challenging offshore environments.